Yellow Springs Street Rising!

1159 South’s Yellow Springs St. Rising! program focused on making concentrated improvements along the S. Yellow Springs Street corridor starts now! In February 2020, 1159 South acquired four vacant lots on S. Yellow Springs St. from the Land Bank that it will be activating soon as unique and useful community spaces based upon input from residents collected in 1159 South’s 2019 Community Engagement Survey and throughout the community.

Did you know that in our community survey, residents said that “improving vacant lots and properties” was one of the most important things that could be done in the first year to improve south Springfield? So, that’s what we’re doing!

The lots are at highly visible intersections on S. Yellow Springs Street — one at the intersection of Innisfallen Ave. and three contiguous lots at the intersection of W. Grand Ave. Stay tuned for more updates about these projects and to learn how you can get involved!

Learn More and Buy a Personalized, Engraved Legacy Brick to Show Your Support for These Community Improvements.

Together, but only by working together, we can be the change!