1159 South’s placemaking strategy is dual-focused on both public spaces and private places in order to enhance the overall desirability of spending time and living in the community. The strategy is necessarily bold and long-term. It starts with critical programs highlighted below and includes plans for broader initiatives as the area stabilizes.
Safe, Affordable Housing Is a Basic Need that Many Lack. South Springfield, Ohio has experienced decades of disinvestment with the result being severe deterioration of several neighborhoods. The Greater Ohio Policy Center’s August 2019 study labeled most of 1159 South’s target area as “distressed,” and concludes that “[s]tabilization and revitalization in these neighborhoods is important.” There are beautiful, stable areas within south Springfield, but these areas are at risk due to nearby vacant and abandoned properties.

Well-maintained houses are at risk from nearby vacant and abandoned properties.

A South Yellow Springs St. abandoned house.
Yellow Springs Street Rising
Placemaking: Vacant to Vibrant Anchor Assets
1159 South’s initial placemaking work has focused on transforming vacant lots at key intersections on S. Yellow Springs St. in south Springfield into vibrant community spaces, such as community gardens, play spaces, and courtyards, consistent with results received from the community engagement survey.


Improving the main S. Yellow Springs St. corridor has generated momentum for positive transformation throughout south Springfield, Ohio. Check out some of the Grand Harmony! pictures!
Rebuilding Blocks
1159 South has started its Rebuilding Blocks program to renovate distressed homes on target blocks, primarily using local contractors and labor while also working with engaged neighbors to ensure success.